Monday, May 21, 2012

The Anatomy of Twitter: Part 3 (Glossary and Best Practices)

The last of the three-part series, today we will have a short discussion on how you can best build your network, reputation and create customer trust. Plus, we will also take a look at the common Twitter words you encounter every now and then.

To get more Twitter followers, here are some simple tips to help you. Sharing is cute so make sure to share photos or quick glimpses about your service, project, or product. Offer people real-time updates and they will be coming back for more. Remember to listen to what other people are saying about your company or brand by monitoring tweets.  Let your network know that you value their opinions by asking them questions on how to improve your brand or product. Ask people to offer you insights and remember to respond to them by sending feedbacks and compliments.  Offer people rewards or gifts. You can offer your followers special promo or discounts and other freebies.

Now, let’s talk about Twitter vocabulary.  The“@” sign is for usernames, example: @ladygaga or @JustDemi.  Automatically the username becomes a link when it is preceded by an @ sign when mentioned in a Tweet. When people “mention” you, it means that a Twitter update has your username on it like when somebody replies to your Tweet.  Check out your Mention’s tab (found on the Connect page) to see who’s been talking about you on Twitter.  To “block” someone means that they won’t be able to follow you on Twitter. A “Follower” is someone who follows another Twitter user while “Following” is the number of Twitters that users have chosen to follow. Trending topics are subjects that are deemed to be the most popular on Twitter at the moment.  A “#” symbol is called a hashtag. Hashtags are used in tweets to mark them as related to a topic. Clicking on a hashtag will show you all the other Tweets in that category. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Anatomy of Twitter: Part 2 (Tweeting Via SMS)

This is the second post of the three-part series on the anatomy of Twitter. We’ll take a closer look at the basics of Twitter and how businesses and entrepreneurs can make Twitter to work to their advantage.  Our previous post talked about how Tweets work and how a Twitter network can expand. Basically, Tweets are important in growing a quality network of followers on Twitter.  However, the challenge is on how you can make creative and catchy Tweets to get people’s attention.

To get Twitter followers, it’s best that you regularly post relevant and note-worthy updates. If you don’t have time to sit in front of your computer because you’re always on the go, Twitter allows you Tweet from your cellphone. All you have to do is to set up your cellphone to link with your Twitter account.   To sign up, send sms to your Twitter shortcode with word START. You will get a response from Twitter and will be asked to reply back with the word “SIGNUP” to create a new account.  Twitter will then ask you to choose a username and you will get a confirmation message when you have selected a valid username.  With a valid username, you can post Twitter updates anytime, anywhere using your cellphone.   If you have an existing Twitter account and you want to link it to your mobile phone, the process is more or less the same. Just make sure that instead of sending SIGNUP, you send your username instead.  Twitter will ask for your password and will ask you if you want to use Twitter on your mobile phone. 

Remember that when you Tweet on your phone, you will be sending it to short or long code. Short codes are used to post and receive Tweets via SMS while long codes are used only to pose Tweets. For a list of short codes, click here for more information.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Anatomy of Twitter: Part 1

Anyone excited to discuss anatomy? Social media is a powerful marketing and branding tool if you understand how it works and how to use it to your advantage. One example of social media is Twitter, a massive information network wherein businesses, organizations, and people are using it to share new information. “Tweets” are what makes Twitter work and are composed of not more than 140 characters. Although Twitter may seem restrictive, the 140-limit can actually bring out creativity in people. There’s so many things that one can express in just 140 characters or less. If you spend your whole day reading Tweets from other people, you’d be surprised at how much information you can actually get from Twitter without having to surf other websites to know what’s going on around the globe.

Get twitter followers – this is how you expand your network on Twitter. To “follow” on Twitter means to subscribe to other people’s Tweets. People who subscribe to other users’ Tweets are called “followers”. There are several things on how you can get people to follow you. One way to do this is to follow other people on Twitter so they’ll follow you back.  Another way is to make sure that you provide relevant or entertaining tweets. When people see that you’re giving them essential information, most likely they’ll follow you to get more of what you can provide them. Tweets are generally open and read by the public. However, you can choose to make your Tweets private as well. You also have the option to “Unfollow” people whenever you want. 
Twitter can be an effective marketing tool for businesses who want to market online or build online presence.  It’s a venue where entrepreneurs can gather market data, share information, and build relationships with customers and clients.

This is the first of the three-part series on “The Anatomy of Twitter”.  Catch our next post for more discussion about the fundamentals of Twitter and how you can use it for your business.